How do I add a user to my account?

Adding users to your online dashboard can be incredibly helpful.

Maybe you have an employee that will be in charge of uploading digital signage for your business. Perhaps you have a manager that wants to ensure their locations devices are in good standing.

Whatever the reason, we are here to help walk you through the process! 

  • Log in to your Online Dashboard.
  • Click your initials in the top right corner and select 'Users' from the drop down.
  • Select, 'Invite New User'
  • Import the new users email and select what type of user they will be. (owner, manager, or member) More info below.
  • Lastly, assign the user the venue(s) they have access to. (If you have multiple venues you can choose one, multiple, or all venues) 
  • Select, 'Send Invitation'

Once the invite is sent, the user will get an email that will give them information to sign into their own dashboard account! 

User Types

There are 3 types of users. Ensure you select the correct type based on what the new user needs to have access to. 


  • Add, remove, and edit users for all venues.
  • Manage and add promotions for all venues.
  • View reports and change channels for all venues.
  • View and edit billing for all venues.


  • Add or remove new users to their specific venue(s).
  • Manage and add promotions for their venues.
  • View reports and change channels in their venues.


  • Add new users to their specific venue(s).
  • Manage and add promotions for their venues.
  • View reports and change channels in their venues.